Margaret and John

Bookbinding project downloads

I have been bookbinding for quite a number of years. In that time I have accumulated quite a few blank books from trying different binding styles. I decided that I might as well print some books and bind those.

The texts that I have done are here, please download any that you want.

The Whole Art of Marbling
I was lucky enough to see a copy of this quite rare book. Quite a few of us in my class made a facsimile from sections we had printed at a local print shop onto short grain A4 paper. We collected sample marbled papers from various sources. The pdf from which I made these pages was in the public domain.

The Laws of Oleron
This is a miniature book.

Shakespeare's Sonnets
For Japanese stab binding

Formulas for Bookbinders
Also quite rare I think. The pdf from which I made these pages was in the public domain.

Children's Family History Project